Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Tagged by Radd and Hilyah

The tagged victim has to come up with 8 different points about his/her perfect lover.

have to metion the gender of his/her perfect lover.
tag eight other victims to join this game and leave a comment on their blog.
if u are tagged the second time. there is no need to do this again.
lastly, most importantly, have fun doing it

my perfect lover has to be a male (ya think?!)

he has to have these 8 qualities:-

1) very financially stable (no, that's not a fancy term for rich, but a man with security)
2) a damn good sense of humour (he can make me laugh my heart out)
3) faithful (no two-timing schmucks!)
4) kind (knows the fine line between helping people and being a door mat)
5) independent (is fine with a guys' and girls' night out)
6) smart (someone who DOESN'T have an IQ of a raisin)
7) somewhat attractive (come on... let's be honest here.)
8) he has to love me unconditionally as I would do the same. (self explanatory)

green leaf ;

name: aida a
location: subang jaya, selangor
me: I am what you see. This is me.

links ; Brendon
. Hilyah
. Liyana
. Vann
. Ka Ling
. Karuna
. Radd
. Boost That Brain! . When Bored, Do Dumb Things ... Like These .

tagboard ;

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