Saturday, October 20, 2007

Pictures and such..
As promised, here are some of the pics from our Expat Expo last month..

Today was quite a fun day... I went to The Curve with Yvonne to watch our beloved lecturer, Azmyl's, and the very famous Fahmi Fadzil's 'wayang kulit' performance of Pak Pandir. Really entertaining. There was quite a generous crowd, all of whom I think just returned from their respective 'kampungs' after Hari Raya. Fahmi and Azmyl (assisted by their other friend, Aziz) did a fantabulous job of enlightening today's children about the existence of wayang kulit. I mean, really, it was a good show. Beats sitting in front of the Play Station any day. Well done, guys! And after that was a 'dikir barat' performance by a local Selangor troup. I must say it was really nice to watch them after so freakin' long! I can't remember the last time I enjoyed a dikir barat, though. Been a while. Anyway, so yes, Fahmi was his funny self as usual. Really talented.

It sucked that it rained! I wanted some retail therapy at The Curve bazaar. After the show, all of us adjourned to Starbucks for tea... and doughnuts! Big Apple no less. Here are some pics.. from my handphone since (I could so kick myself) I forgot to take by fancy schmancy camera!

green leaf ;

name: aida a
location: subang jaya, selangor
me: I am what you see. This is me.

links ; Brendon
. Hilyah
. Liyana
. Vann
. Ka Ling
. Karuna
. Radd
. Boost That Brain! . When Bored, Do Dumb Things ... Like These .

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